Friday, December 11, 2009

We were in the Times Free Press recently

. . . and I've been meaning to post the story.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

LifeSpring Website!

We are so thankful for the wonderful ways that God weaves the resources in His Church together for His Kingdom! Specifically, the Lord provided Dr. John Hunt and his work-study students up at Covenant College to willingly, graciously--actually--enthusiastically take on the huge task of building a website for LifeSpring ( We are so thankful for this! They have been working with me on this in the time leading up to my recent wedding, so I have not been the most on the ball with getting information to them, but they have been incredibly helpful, gracious, and professional--really a delight. And, to top that off, they are donating their time to us!
I recently encountered issues trying to figure some things out that are in Spanish, casually mentioned it to them, and actually, it just so happens one of the students helping us grew up in Chile. What makes it crazier is that I grew up in the church where his grandfather was the long-time pastor, and actually, is grandmother is one of my supporters.
It's also just really cool to see how the Lord uses all the gifts he has given us--web-developers can help a health ministry, a health ministry can provide a learning opportunity for students, etc.
And it is amazing to see how He uses someone who often feels so insufficient (that would be me) to get the job done and He proves that He is sufficient.
The Lord works in amazing, delightful ways.
Development Intern

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall equals Physicals

Children going back to school is one of my favorite swells of activity in the yearly calendar. For LifeSpring, it brings a physicals, lots of physicals. So that students at East Lake Academy may participate in after school sports programs, we partner with the school to provide sports physicals. Participating in team sports encourages physical activity, which has numerous health benefits, and is also shown to help kids mature emotionally and socially as well. We care so much about the general well-being of the children in East Lake, but that is not the only reason we are working in the schools. These physicals also give us a great opportunity to spread the word about the services we offer and hopefully make connections with new clients. And new clients mean new people with whom we get to share God's love in word and deed. Please pray for the staff and volunteers as they interact with students over the next few months.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome to LifeSpring Community Health's Blog!

Stay tuned to learn about projects, events, our vision, ways to help, etc.